Lara Trump Creates Absurd Conspiracy Theory about International Transgendered Day of Visibility
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  • Micheil Boggs

Lara Trump Creates Absurd Conspiracy Theory about International Transgendered Day of Visibility

One of Donald Trump’s favorite minions, Lara Trump, has formulated a new conspiracy theory that President Biden’s support of International Transgendered Day of Visibility is responsible for Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, the Irael-Hamas fight, and high gasoline prices.


Lara Trump’s claims that supporting transgenderism is a cause of these issues came with zero substantiating evidence.   This conspiracy theory of Lara Trump, who also happens to be the Republican National Committee co-chair, is founded purely in extremism, hate, and anti-Christian beliefs.  Of course, she claims that her conspiracy theory is actually founded on Christian principles even though it can easily be seen as being in direct contradiction to many of the teachings of Christ Jesus that are mentioned in the Bible.


This conspiracy theory is like attributing the increased prevalence of disruptive students in public schools within the United States of America to the increased usage of the term petrichor in recent years due to the term’s presence in an episode of Doctor Who.  There is zero relationship between these to matters, as is the same with International Transgendered Day of Visibility and the events that Lara Trump blames as resulting from the holiday’s observance.


Lara Trump specifically stated:  “Trans visibility day, whatever the hell that means, March 31st is the day that someone designated, I believe, in 2009 for this day.  It happened to coincide with Easter this year, and no one over there had the idea that, I don’t know, maybe the holiest day on the Christian calendar, perhaps we could just move Trans Visibility Day?  April Fool’s Day would be a good day for that, in my opinion.”


It is quite obvious that Lara Trump doesn’t understand what it means to love one’s neighbor, as is commanded by Christ Jesus.  She has equated a day that is purposed to celebrate in part the beauty of diversity, equality, and love of all people.  Lara Trump has chosen to be unchristian and act out in pure hatred towards people her own God commands her to love.  Furthermore, why should a day such as International Transgendered Day of Visibility that encourages love of transgendered people not be permitted to coincide every few years with a Christian holiday that celebrates the ultimate love of Christ Jesus towards everyone, including transgendered people?


In 2024, Easter also happened to coincide with National Bunsen Burner Day in the United States of America.  Why didn’t Lara Trump also make a fuss about moving that holiday to April Fool’s Day since it would be “disrespectful” to Christians as well?


Lara Trump, just like Donald Trump, spews forth nothing but unchristian messages of hate.  She is like a false prophet looking out for the good of no one but herself.


Learn to love everyone!

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